What We Believe

As part of the Southern Baptist Convention, the foundational beliefs of our church are contained within the statement of faith called the Baptist Faith and Message.  Click on the title to view the entire text as posted on the Southern Baptist Convention's website.

Church Covenant

God established a covenant relationship, first with His people - Isreal, and then a new covenant with His people - the church. So, as members of God's covenant family known as Bethel Baptist Church, we commit ourselves to God and to one another to be Christ-like in our lives and relationships through the presence, guidance, and power of God's Holy Spirit.

Therefore - 

  • I will commit to connect to God regularly through personal prayer, devotion, and consistent corporate worship with Bethel Baptist Church. 
  • I will commit to connect to others in fellowship opportunities through Bethel Baptist Church that lead to spiritual growth through accountability and interdependence with others through Christ our Lord.
  • I will commit to connect in meaningful ministry through discovering and using my spiritual giftedness, skills and talents to build up the Body of Christ in love. By utilizing my financial and material resources I will commit to participate in the support of Bethel Baptist Church.
  • I will commit to connect to the lost by prayer for and graciously serving my neighbors in strategic ways that are designed to enable them to know how to connect with the God who loves them and died for them.